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Saturday, May 5, 2018
Room: New York Ballroom West

8:30 Welcome to AAPP 2018
Peter Zachar – President

Session 1: Moderator – John Sadler

8: 40 Delusional Moods
Huw Green
9:00 Discussion

9:10 Just How Motivated Are Pathological Beliefs?
Kelso Cratsley
9:30 Discussion

9:40 The Illusory Divide Between Compulsion and Choice Models of Addiction
Zoey Lavallee
10:00 Discussion

10:10 -10:20 BREAK

Session 2: Moderator – Jeffrey Bedrick 

10:20 Graded Affective Intentionality
Avraham Rot
10:50 Discussion

Introduction by Jeffrey Bedrick

10:50 Affect Systems and Psychoanalytic Drive Theory Today
11:30 Discussion

12:50 – 12:00 Jaspers Award Presented by Christian Perring to Awais Aftab

12:10-1:30 LUNCH

Moderator – Gerrit Glas 

1:30 Emotion Dysregulation and its Interpersonal Context
2: 10 Discussion

2:25-2:35 BREAK

Session 3:  Moderator – Serife Tekin

2:35  Existential Guilt and Depressive Responsibility
Jake Jackson
2:55 Discussion

3:05 Phenomenology, Predictive Processing, and Major Depressive Disorder
Zachariah Neemah
3:25 Discussion

3:35 -3:45 BREAK

Session 4:  Moderator –  Phil Sinaikin

3:45 Are All Mental Disorders Affective Disorders?
Michelle Maiese
4.05 Discussion

4:15 Adaptive and Inadaptive Emotions
Laura Mathews
4:35 Discussion

4:45 Adjourn
Sunday May 06, 2018
Room: Central Park West

Session 5: Moderator – Michael B. First

9:00 Informed Consent, Decision-Making, and Capacity
J. J. Rasimas
9:20 Discussion

9:30 Narrative Identity and Psychopathology
Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco
9:50 discussion

10:00 Integrating Narrative and Clinical Contexts: The Role of Emotion in the Experience of Psychotic Disorders
Kathleen Lowenstein
10:20 Discussion

10:30 -10:45  BREAK

Session 6: – Don Mender

10:45 Culture and Interpersonal Emotions in Depression: An Iranian Case study
Moujan Mirdamadi
11:05 Discussion

11:15 Cultural Affordances and Experience Framing: Making Sense of Emotions and ‘’Mental Health Culture”
Ana Gomez and Samuel Veissière
11:35 Discussion

11:45 -1:15 LUNCH

Moderator Peter Zachar

1:15 Culture, Psychiatry, and Ontology
1:55 Discussion

2:10—2:20 BREAK
Session 7: Moderator – Kathryn Tabb

2:20 Managing One’s Cognitive-Emotional Life to Achieve Good Ends: Is Empathy Helpful?
Christopher Caulfield
2:40 Discussion

2:50 From Affective Science to Psychiatric Disorder: Ontology as a Semantic Bridge
Rasmus Larsen and Janna Hastings
3:10 Discussion

3:20 -3:30 BREAK

Session 8: Moderator – Robyn Bluhm

3:30 Affection for Thinness:  Conceiving Anorexia and Bulimia using Spinoza’s Affect Theory
Natalie Zidanic
3:50 Discussion

4:00 The Emotional Life of the Schizophrenic
Abel Franco
4:20 Discussion

4:30 Closing Remarks
Gerrit Glas and Jeff Bedrick


Program Participants

Robyn Bluhm, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy/
Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University

Christopher Caulfield, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY, USA;

Kelso CratsleyPhD, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Concordia University, Canada;

Ana Gómez-Carrillo, MD, Postdoctoral FellowDivision of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill UniversityMontreal, Quebec

Michael B. First, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University, NY, USA;

Abel B. Franco, PhD, Associate Professor,  Department of Philosophy, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA

Huw Green, PhD, Postdoctoral Clinical Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine New York, NY,

Janna Hastings, University of Cambridge, Department of Biological Sciences.

Jake Jackson, Graduate Student, Philosophy Department, Temple University, Philadelphia PA

Otto Kernberg, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College,

Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco, Graduate Student,
Philosophy Department, University of Connecticut, USA

Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen, PhD, Department of PhilosophyUniversity of Toronto, Mississauga,

Zoey Lavallee, Graduate Student, Department of Philosophy, City University of New York, Graduate Center, NY,

Kathleen Lowenstein, Graduate Student, Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University,

Michelle Maiese, PhD, Associate Professor of Philosophy,
Chair of the Philosophy Department, Emmanuel College

Laura Matthews, Graduate Student, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Donald Mender, MD, Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University,

Moujan Mirdamadi, Graduate student, Department of Politics, Philosophy, and Religion, Lancaster University, UK

Zachariah A. Neemeh, Graduate Student, Philosophy, Graduate Student Affiliate, Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis

Christian Perring, PhD, Adjunct Full Professor, St John’s University, NY,

Jesse Prinz, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Program, Director of Interdisciplinary Science Studies, City University of New York, Graduate Center, New York, NY,

J.J. Rasimas, MD, PhD, FAPM., Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Emergency Medicine University of Minnesota & Penn State College of Medicine, Director of C-L Psychiatry, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN;

Matthew Ratcliffe, PhD, Professor for Theoretical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria

Avraham Rot, PhD, Richard Macksey Postdoctoral FellowThe Humanities CenterZanvyl Krieger School of Arts and SciencesJohns Hopkins University

John Z. Sadler, MD, Daniel W. Foster Professor of Medical Ethics and Professor  of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry
Editor:  Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology,
UT Southwestern.

Phil Sinaikin MD, MA (retired),

Kathryn TabbPhD, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University, NY, USA;

Samuel Veissière, PhD, Assistant Professor, Culture, Mind, and Brain Program, Departments of Psychiatry & Anthropology,  McGill University,

Natalie Zidanic, Graduate Student, Department of Philosophy, University of Guelph, Canada

New York Sheraton
811 7th Ave
New York, NY

Program Chairs

Gerrit Glas, MD, Professor of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Extraordinary Professor of Reformational Philosophy, Institute for Philosophy
Leiden University,

Jeffrey Bedrick, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Drexel University;    

Peter Zachar, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology , Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Auburn University Montgomery,

Peer-reviewers for submissions: 

Sanneke de Haan, PhD
Doug Heinrichs, MD
Ed Hirsch, PhD, MD
Sarah Kamens, PhD
Claire Pouncey, MD
Emma Satlof-Bedrick, PhD
Scott Waterman, MD

Jaspers Committee

Christian Perring, PhD, Chair    Claire Pouncey, MD
Jeff Bedrick, MD                       Doug Porter, MD
Robyn Bluhm, PhD                    John Sadler, MD
Brent Kious, MD, PhD                Scott Waterman, MD
James Phillips, MD                   Peter Zachar, PhD