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Previous Annual Meetings

2023 – Knowledge, Expertise, & Values – San Francisco, CA: Program, Abstracts

2022 – Open Theme  – New Orleans, LA: Program, Abstracts  

2021 – Intuitions Meet Experiments: Methods in Philosophy of Psychiatry Online: Program, Abstracts

2020 – No meeting (COVID-19 pandemic)

2019 – Open Theme San Francisco: CFA, Program, Abstracts

2018 – Philosophical Perspectives on Affect, Emotion, and Mood in Psychiatric Disorder — New York: CFA, Program, Abstracts

2017 – Philosophical Perspectives on Critical Psychiatry: Challenges and Opportunities — San Diego: CFAPosterProgramAbstracts

2016 – Philosophical Issues in Scientific Psychiatry: RDOC, DSM, Mechanisms and More — Atlanta: CFAScheduleAbstracts

2015 – Open Theme — Toronto: CFAProgramAbstracts

2014 – Clinical Reasoning — New York: CFA,  Program Abstracts

2013 – Philosophical Issues in Crime and Mental Illness — San Francisco: CFAProgram

2012 – The Biopsychosocial and Other Models for Psychiatry: Philosophical Perspectives— Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: CFAProgram

2011 – The Future of Psychiatric Nosology — Honolulu, Hawaii Program

2010 – Philosophical Issues in Evidence-Based Psychiatry — New Orleans, Louisiana Program

2009 – Philosophical Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry — San Francisco, California Program

2008 – Political Extremism — Washington, DC Program

2007 – Intersections of Race & Psychiatry — San Diego, California Program

2006 – Moral Emotions — Toronto, Canada Program

2005 – Technology & Psychiatry — Atlanta, Georgia Program

2004 – Truth & Reconciliation — New York, New York Program

2003 – Psychopharmacology and the Self — San Francisco, California Program

2002 – Psychiatry & Personal Agency: Nature v. Nurture Revisited — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Program

2001 – Melancholia — New Orleans, Louisiana Program

2000 – Rationality & Mental Health — Chicago, Illinois AAPP Program 2000

1999 – The Problem of Evil — Washington, DC CFA Program

1998 – Gender Perspectives In And On Psychiatric Theory And Practice — Toronto, Canada Program

1997 – Consciousness & Its Pathologies — San Diego, California Program

1996 – Weakness of Will — New York City Program

Regional Meetings

1999 – Evolutionary Theory and Psychopathology, New York City Program

1997 – Values in Psychiatric Nosology, Dallas, Texas Description

Affiliate Meetings

2016 – Does the philosophy of psychiatry need a metaphysics? 3rd June, Lancaster, UK

2014 – Early Career Scholars Conference in Philosophy of Psychiatry: Overcoming Mind-Brain Dualism in 21st Century Medicine, Pittsburg, PA, USA.  November 21-22

2008 – Psychiatry & Freedom, Dallas, TX, USA, October 6-8

2004 – 7th International Conference on Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, Heidelberg, Germany, September 23-26

2003 – Philosophy, Phenomenology and Psychiatry, Göteborg, Sweden, November 15-16 Program

2003 – VI International Conference on Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, Brasilia, Brasil, July 2-5

2003 – Symposium on Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of Psychiatric Diagnosis, New York City, May 3rd & 4th Program

2000 – Florence, Italy

1999 – Nice, France Program